
In The Cave


All day long we knew we were playing with fire
We could tell by the burn marks 
All day we was inside the cave 
We was playing with fire 
What else happened, we didn't know 
We paid 
We surely did pay 
I'm gonna get out of it 
By going into it more 
I'm gonna get out of it 
Yes I am 
And I'm gonna go into it more, too 
What have I got to lose? 
Not much 
I'm gonna get out of it 
By going into it more 
But I got my stopwatch 
I see time ticking 
I see the numbers change 
And then you get in the rhythm 
You get to know a Monday 
You get to know a Sunday 
And the water 
Yeah and the creaking grind 
All that black water 
Gets into your skin 
Makes you want to forget 
Some of those days 
But I'll meet you on a Sunday 
I'll meet you on a Tuesday 
I'll meet you any any any any any day 
But who wants to go down fast? 
I just want to stay alive 
We were into the cave 
Playin' with fire all day 
It cost a lot 
They took it real fast 
All of a sudden you turn around and say hey 
I need to exercise 
Hey, I need to stretch me