
I Knew You Would Leave


The rocks crumble
Unto dust they die 
Once hard stuff of mountains 
Now soft powder among the sand 
Who dares crush a rock 
Oh rock, no rock 
Reduced to the winds 
Scatter your parts 
You are not one but many 
To those shall you succumb 
Beast of time, you hurl your heavens sporadic 
Falling in the great parade 
March unto your death 
And into what arms will you go 
Surely not your own 
Oh God, oh God, be you my hope 
And all else ruffles in the winds 
Magic carpets fly to your planets 
You have no place on earth 
Who is it creates sand soliloquy 
Is it everyone 
Nay, you are a heathen 
Erupting words of pretense 
Oh Lord let my hand be guided 
Sometimes I know it not 
As the air, no air is still 
And the weary sounds refrain 
Now the hyena cackles 
His clutch has found my heart bleeding 
And now you are gone 
Where you hear it all 
Wide awake from a long sleep 
Myself on my hands 
Tomorrow in the gallows 
Trees in skies 
Empty alliterations replenished 
By the hand of one who would fall down 
And make a light to shine somewhere 
What is this 
The cavalcade of misery 
What depths 
How could we think of distances 
Ah, it is the gift of man 
To live, the days long 
The nights longer 
Journey to the stars 
They worship the sun 
Come down treasures 
And I like to see a smile 
On your lips as we meet 
On a journey to the stars