All the phone rings are alarming It doesn't matter I can't escape the weight of these days Nothing is special No bad things Even good things But it's a swamp I'm stuck in And the boggy crevices and the steep banks And all the difficult terrain So why do I want to (signal?) ??? time Why do I need to smash in the brain I don't know It keeps on and I watch the scope of the periphery Hoping I don't have to do anything Because I'm not up to it Or for that matter Not up to nothing as well Take my mind Take my life and give me yours Even success is not success Even failure is not failure There's just this empty time I must persevere through And what is at the other end of the moment As if it mattered right now Little joy pockets are hardly enough I support the stretch of time Keep busy of course Struggle to survive of course Whatever takes your idea of the abyss and postpones it Because the unbearable state of affairs is unsustainable You don't have to do anything It's obvious I suppose Jump into the fire and then respond to that place