
Part Three


It seems I've been depressed all my life 
I remember once when I was about eleven years old 
On a summer day 
I was aware of the nothingness of life 
I said to my mother, there's nothing to do 
She said, just go outside, you'll find something to do 
So I went outside and did things 
Now it seems there is more to do inside than outside 
But still there's nothing to do 
We simply manufacture circumstances that create a necessity to do something 
Except for the procurement of basic comfort as a human being 
Aside from manufactured circumstances 
And the resultant required activity regarding them 
Well, what is there 
The play of the mind 
The exercise of the body 
Simply escapes from the basic reality of life's nothingness 
??? we humans are happy 
We're just in situations that force us to act 
The contemplation of beauty, is it enough 
To build a fire and simply watch it 
Why jump into the folly of the human mainstream 
It seems no use 
Onward we go 
Condescending to expend the energy of our own being 
The construction and deconstruction of a life 
And still there's nothing 
Well, just go outside 
The elements will teach you to respond