Who comes this night, this wintry night, As to the lowly manger? The Shepards and the Kings did come To welcome in the stranger. Who sends this song upon the air, To ease the soul that's aching? To still the cry of deep despair And heal the heart that's breaking. Brother Joseph bring the light Fast, the night is fading. And who will come this wintry night To where the stranger's waiting? Who comes this night, with humble heart, To give the fullest measure A gift of purest love to bring What good and worthy treasure. Brother Joseph bring the lamb For they are asking for him The children come this starry night To lay their hearts before him. For those who would the stranger greet Must lay their heart before him And raise their song in voices sweet To worship and adore him Brother Joseph bring the light Fast, the night is fading And who will come this wintry night To where the stranger's waiting Brother Joseph bring the lamb For they are asking for him. The children come this starry night To lay their hearts before him. Pure of heart this starry night To lay their hearts before him.