We're terribly House and Garden At number 7b We live in the most amusing muse / mews Ever so very contemporary We're terribly House and Garden The money that one spends To make a place that won't disgrace Our House and Garden friends We've planned an uninhibited interior decor Curtains made of straw We've wallpapered the floor We don't know if we like it But at least we can be sure There's no place like Home Sweet Home Design For Livin' Design For Livin' Our boudoir on the open plan Has been a huge success Now everywhere's so open There's nowhere safe to dress We're fearfully Maison Jardin At number 7b We've rediscovered the chandelier Tres tres very contemporary We're terribly House and Garden Now at least we've got the chance The garden's full of furniture And the house is full of plants It doesn't make for comfort But it simply has to be We're ever so terribly up to date Contemporarary Design For Livin' Design For Livin' We're terribly House and Garden As I think we said before 'Though 7b is madly gay It wouldn't do for every day We actually live in 7a In the house next door Design For Livin' ~ x 4