All your bones inside you, called the skeletal system Giving you strength and structure So that you won't flop around And each bone got a function, there are 206 of them 70% of each bone is made from calcium The skull, the cranium protects the brain The mandible, jaw chew food keep teeth in place The cravicle, the collarbone there is two of them Links the scapula, sternum, cartilage Your heart protected, then it's that Sternum, flat bone connects your ribs Twelve pairs of curved arches So lungs and heart are protected Humerus bone from your shoulder to your elbow Forearm has your ulna, and your thumb side, radius bone Vertebrates, vertebrates, skeletal bones Ligaments, and tendons, connect muscles Blood cell production and Storing calcium, and we're Vertebrates, vertebrates, skeletal bones Ligaments, and tendons, connect muscles Endocrine controlling Your skeletal system How about your hands The carpals are the bones in your wrists Metarcapals are where wrist and fingers connected Phalanges, the small bones in your toes and fingers And in your foot is also the talus and calcaneus Veterbral column, the spine to support standing straight The cervical, the top seven veterbrae Bottom lumbar, then the thoracic in the middle And your pelvic girdle connects Your upper and lower body together Femur, your upper leg bone Supporting weight, the strongest Longest and heaviest of all To protect you knee, small bone the patella The inner thicker tibia, outside is the fibula and we're Vertebrates, vertebrates, skeletal bones Ligaments, and tendons, connect muscles Blood cell production and Storing calcium, and we're Vertebrates, vertebrates, skeletal bones Ligaments, and tendons, connect muscles Endocrine controlling Your skeletal system