Lost good money bidding on the tiles Lost a pretty girl down in New Orleans Lost my flip flop on the dock at Anchor High Marina Lost my truck when a tranny went out on me At least I had it to lose Easy come, easy go, that's the way it is At least I had it to lose Guess you can't take it with you in the end Ride the highs and lows where ever they go No matter what you're going through Yeah, at least I had it At least I had it to lose Lost my cool watching the news last night Lost my mind somewhere out on the back nine Yeah, momma said the Lord gives, and he takes it away Well I just wrote a big fat check to Uncle Sam yesterday At least I had it to lose Easy come, easy go, that's the way it is At least I had it to lose Guess you can't take it with you in the end Ride the highs and lows where ever they go No matter what you're going through Yeah, at least I had it At least I had it to lose Well life's a mess, at times a test Barely getting by Well but I've been taught Everything I've got Is all on borrowed time At least I had it to lose Easy come, easy go, that's the way it is At least I had it to lose Guess you can't take it with you in the end Ride the highs and lows where ever they go No matter what you're going through Yeah, at least I had it At least I had it to lose (At least I, at least I, at least I had it to lose) At least I had it to lose (At least I, at least I, at least I had it to lose) At least I had it to lose (At least I had it to lose) At least I had it to lose (At least I had it to lose)