[Verse 1:] Jah will protect the people you know From all poverty and distress Yes Jah Thanks and praise...Rastafari Tell every Nation you know People of the world Oooooohh Yeaaaaaahh [Chorus:] Keeeeeep Ooooon Shining light within I'll share my joys with anyone As long as they are free [Repeat] [Verse 2:] Cause on and on we gooooo It's not an easy road Jah is here with meeeeeee Woooooa whoooa Thy rod and thy staff I Shall comfort meeeeee Dayyyyys of my liiiiiife There are many that will say It's noooooo use Just a waaaasssste of tiiiiiime But Iiiiii will never mind I'lllll keeeeeeep on dooooooing He's my light [Chorus] [Verse 3:] It's a foggy foggy roooooooaaad Still I find my way Though so far from hooooome Sinnnnging songs of redemmmmption My people i need your full attennnntion Why why wooooa To set me free Ooooohhhh yeeeeea Wo yow wo yow wo yow eeeeh [Chorus] [Verse 4:] Ooooooh oh ohhhhhhhhh Oh ooooooohhhhh Yeaaa yeaaa yeaaa Cause once upon a tiiiiime It wasn't like this It was muuuuuch betttttter There is a steep mountatin to climmmmmb A faaaaar way to goooo Get yourself toooogether [Chorus]