Here comes the moon saying `Hi`, Let`s tip this bottle till it`s dry, And if we end up, rolling on the floor, Score one for being us, Score zero for being bored. I found this bike for you to ride, And we can roll soon as the spray paint`s dry, We can start living soon as you come outside, I`ve got a kiss here with your name on it. And I`ve been thinking all day about this dream I had, Where I never lost you, But the only mermaid that`s flesh and blood is a bad tattoo, The stars are out and the moon is new, How long do I have to stand here praying? I know that you`re in there, I know you can hear me, I want you to crawl out, of that window, And get your body near me, I know you were sleeping, I know you`ve got school tomorrow, Well if you`ve got nothing to put on, I`ve got a birthday suit that you can borrow, And the bonfire, it`s gonna burn, burn, burn, And the bonfire, it`s gonna burn, burn, burn, There goes your math book, There goes your bra, There go your heartaches, Let`s burn them all. Grass stains, Will be the proof of tonight, So beautiful, Will be the rest of our lives, If you want it, So say you want it.