The Jackson 5

Push Me Away

The Jackson 5

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Bass fig1:

Bassfig 2:
                                                                        2nd time through play this
bass fig 3:play slow
---3---3---3---3---------2---2------------3-4-5---------7----5---3--------0-3 3--0-2---------0-2-3-------0-2-3---0-----------|
                                                bass fig 4 little solo    play slow
end n  solo

tabbed by: Ben Barnett

Tim n:
bassfig 1 3times
bassfig 2   4 times
play all the way through again  then      bass fig 2  add the little solo beneth it
3rd time through the song           after bass fig 1     play the bass fig 4 little solo   on the bottom 
the page

bass fig 1           for the Big solo    then   the           endn solo