Been over every inch of skin Both the tattooed and the porcelain Scouted and charted every inch Of your coastline. But with every mile drawn to scale From collarbone to fingernail I find no countryside I can claim as mine. Oh, I'm only gonna let you down If I decide to stick around. And it seems with every bridge I cross Oh, it's one more match I strike and toss Over my shoulder As I'm waving you goodbye. And if there's one thing I've begun to discover it's that There's nothing quite so fickle as a serial lover So don't be surprised when he leaves you High and dry. Oh, I'm only gonna let you down If I decide to stick around. So I'll go but you have to take my word That the risk of another heartbreak Is too high for any reward. You call it selfish well I call it safe. I'll be the first to admit this was the cowardly way. You'll move on with little delay. In a month it won't matter how much I say That I was terrified to let you down But I know I should've stuck around.