Old folks, on the porch, tellin' everything they know Eatin' at the cafe, 50 years ain't missed a day Six gears, John Deere's, man it's been a good year Got the rain, crops came, it was a blessing Main Street, dang the heat, Lord it must be 93 Six pack, iced down, we're all headin' outta town Swimmin' hole, nice and cold, swingin' in on the rope, Double-dawg dare ya bo, hey now here we go Thats what's up down South Simple livin' that's we're all about Call your neighbors, we help each other out Thats what's up down South Kids sneaking out, momma's house, clutch out, quiet now Wal-Mart parking lot, cruisin' back and forth a lot Big trucks, getting buck, turnin' Lynard Skynard up Holler at the young-uns, tryin' hard to get you some Midnight, moonlight, baby let's take a ride Roll down the windows, slid over to the middle Full tank, riverbank, girl what's your last name Don't I know your cousin? Can I get a little lovin'? Thats what's up down South Simple livin' that's we're all about Call your neighbors, we help each other out Thats what's up down South We like sweet tea, blue jeans, boots and caps Johnny Cash and the American flag Friday night bright lights, touchdown, halftime High school football, ain't nothin' like it ya'll Go to church on Sunday mornin', listen to the preacher's sermon Tailgate, watch the race, Dale's runnin' good today! Thats what's up down South Simple livin' that's we're all about Call your neighbors, we help each other out Thats what's up down South