Tom: C Chords C G F G2 F2 A E|---x-----x-----X----3------1------5------------| B|---5----12----10----3------1------5------------| G|---5----12----10----4------2------6------------| D|---5----12----10----5------3------7------------| A|---3----10-----8----5------3------7------------| E|--------------------3------1------5------------| It helps if you listen to the song while playing it Intro C|-C--| G-G--F-F--GxxG x4 (i think) Verse (she loves him...) C|-C--| F2-F2-F2--C-C--A-A-A there is some palm muting in there to (again it helps to listen to the song) Pre-Chorus F-(let it ring)-F-(again)-G-(one more time) play nothing and stop the ringing when the deep "love stinks" is. Then for the chorus just play the same thing as the intro. It's the same for the rest of the song. Have fun and rock on.