(Spoken) Hold on this song has a little introduction to it It's aint supposed to be sad though you might feel it that way It's a song about desperation, Every now and then we do get desperate This is a song about L-O-V-E, and if you abuse it yer goin to lose it and if you lose it yer goin to abuse and if you abuse it you aint going to be able to choose it cuz you aint going to have it further on down the line and things aint going to be so fine and yer going to be sitting there on your little machine tryin to look and keep it clean and Youre going to be home playing bingo all night all alone and that's why your sittin there by the telephone and you know that she aint goin to call you! So you put on the TV and you're watchin Johnny Carson segueing right into the Tomorrow show but that don't got the go so you turn it off ya turn on the radio, the radio dont' seem to get the click so you say Never thought about tomorrow Seemed like a long time to come How could I be so blind, baby Not to see you were the one I let you slip on from me honey I let you walk on by I refused the love you had for me I refused the love and let it die (Refrain) I must of got lost, I must of got lost I must of got lost somewhere down the line I must of got lost, I must of got lost To give away the day that you were mine Love can be a sweet thing I just don't understand I made a game of loving And now I hold the losing hand (Refrain) I just can't understand it I just can't understand it I just don't understand it, and (Refrain twice)