
Floods Of Thy Might


Lost in the woods answers I seek 
The gateway to all, the entrance shalt rise 
before me 
'Tween two sacred firs I step forward... to Thee 
O vigilant forest of might, beyond time Thou 

Roots of Thine trees binding my feet 
Branches and leaves shalt twine rings around me 
The murk of the conjur'd crowns lightenth my eyne 
Embracing the spirit of wood, I drink of Thy might 

Underneath, where no sun stayeth 
On the pagan ground the forest eternal 
Where blood runth thro' all times 
The portal engrav'd in my heart 

Ages hath pass'd - all is the same 
For millions of years Thou stand still calling our 
The Home of the gods who are set to rule the 
The North and the South, the West and the East 
Thou commandst 

Speak to me, Master of elves 
Show me Thy marches and thorns 
Send forth Thy wolves for my blood 
Grant me to hold the wisdom 
Drown me into the deepest mere 
Lead me to the grimmest gorge within Thy very 
Let me behold Thy runic treasures 
Veil me with fogs O Woods of Thy Might 

High to the stars, wide to the seas 
Forest uniting the times and the souls 
Black as the skies pierc'd by the trees 
Breeding Thine magick, Thou holdst me in thrall 
Once having pass'd thro' the gates of Thy realm 
I merg'd as one with the essence of Thine 
I am the part of the forest myself 
Rustling my leaves as a Hymn to Thy 