
Stuck Beneath The Ice


Isnt that a voice I hear 
Coming up from under me
Coming up 
From underneath 
You know (3x)
Wasn't that a face i saw 
Frozen up and out of sight
Frozen up beneath the ice 
You know (3x)

Isn't that a crack i see 
Big enough 
To pull you through
Big enough 
To rescue you 
You know (3x)
Thought i'd try 
And pull you out 
Didn't think 
I'd slip or fall
You see 
I didn't think at all 
You know (3x)

Is it me or are we insane? 
Stuck beneath the ice (2x)
How the hell can i now explain? 
Stuck beneath the ice (2x)

Never been this deep before 
Can't believe i fell right in 
Can't believe 
I've got to swim, i know (3x)
Now i barely see her face 
She said i had a heart of gold
Yeah, but it was solid cold 
I know (3x)


Are we insane can we escape 
Stuck beneath the ice (2x)