We are flying High above the ground Wait less hopeful- proud- Morning Ive lost All of my life I sing in silence In your arms Crawling around the crowded stairs Here Ill stay Crumbles under where its warm Hide my mind A little jaggy around the edge Til Im sane Trembles loud theres no alarm Dreams last forever Days dont mean the same Forever flying proud- Morning We stand Small in your hands Slip land In violence In your arms Crawling around the crowded stairs Here Ill stay Crumbles under where its warm Hide my mind A little jaggy around the edge Til Im sane Trembles loud theres no alarm We celebrate Time on our hands No alarm No one was warned We celebrate Time on our hands No alarm No one was warned In your arms Crawling around the crowded stairs Here Ill stay Crumbles under where its warm Hide my mind Slightly uglier this way Til Im sane Crusted battered-bruised- and torn I will lie A little jaggy around the edge To save your life Tattered-wasted-sleepy-prey Instead of mine Trembles loud theres no alarm .