
Summer Breeze


Fill your bags with clothes and hopes
Driving down that same old road
You count curves till you're asleep
I promise i will wake you when we reach
The end of this trip

Old unpaved and narrow streets
This town's full of memories
Grandma's hugs and cousin's laughs
Bike ride nights and bugs kept in a jar
It's summer times

And you can feel the summer breeze
The same as when you were a kid
And you recall this summer life
And wonder where it's gone and why

Walk across this empty room
Where she once had first kissed you
Ten years later near the pool
She still brings you back to childhood
It feels so good

And she still feels the summer breeze
The same as when you both were kids
And she recalls this summer life
And wonder where you're gone and why

Please don't forget about these years cause i won't
Please don't forget about these nights cause i won't
Please don't stop being that sweet child just cause we're grown
You know i won't, you know i won't, you know i won't