Take a look. Here is a broken man. Thousands of mistakes, now empty hands. So much left to give. (within this iron vessel) There is a heart within. I have to make this change. Miles down the wrong roads lead to dead ends. A piece of glass within a frame, depicting a monster. Then I realize that's a mirror and it's me. A broken man. This sound is killing me. It's flooded my ears, now it's poisoning. I will do anything. Just make it go away. Motherfuckers. An inhonest mistake over and over, I know that it's so painful, but it's all I know. I'm so faithfully in the red It's poisoned me. It's taking my insides and turning them out. I will do anything. Just make it go away I know that in your dreams you see this ideal version of me, And yes he is a better man, but I can't change me It is a fact, that this world had bigger plans for me, But by my own hands it seems, I will leave this small, sad, legacy.