It Dies Today

Freak Gasoline Fight Accident Intro

It Dies Today

Tom: C

Tuning:Drop C
Tabbed by: Eric C.
I'm just tabbing the intro for now..ill put the rest of the song up later

"-tremlo pick
- palm mute
h- hammer on
x-mute string after playing
~-let it ring

I can't tell which string this first tremlo picking part is you can either play it on
the G or the D string...I'm tabbing it on the any questions or comments IM me on
my AIM name SynysterGates78

Guitar 1
Riff A

Guitar 2
Riff B

Guitar 1 keeps playing Riff A
Guitar 2 then plays
Riff C
  - - -
Then the vocals come in and Guitar 2 harmonizes with Guitar 1

Guitar 1-keeps playing Riff A

Guitar 2 (harmonized)
Riff D