Israel & New Breed

Lord You Are Good

Israel & New Breed

Tom: E

Lord You are good
         B                      D   A 
And Your mercy endureth forever

A                  B 
People from every nation and tongue
       C                D
From generation to ge -  - neration

   E       B     D          A
We worship You   Hallelujah Hallelujah
   E       B                D  A 
We worship You for who You are
   E       B     D          A
We worship You   Hallelujah Hallelujah
   E       B                D  A 
We worship You for who You are    and you are good

( C  B  G )
( A  E  D )

        E            B
You are good all the time
            D             A
And all the time You are good