According to atomic theory the fusion of atoms Creates death for mankind and everlasting disease The greater process of extinctions Is part of the natural evolutionary patterns Dispelled by hatred and the lust for fission theory Harnessing the power of the atom Quantum mechanical technology Only increasing the lust, for death Incineration of knowledge Incineration of life Destruction of quarks Destruction of molecular life Obsessed with graviton anti-life technology Increasing the death toll ten fold Geological mishaps create unlivable Nowhere to run, only to die Anti-proton corrupted by disease With new chemical ingredients No molecules bond and consume Fission is a natural reaction of our life end Corruption of biological and geothermal structures Mass destruction of all things sentient Rationalization and demonstration Engulfed by atomic energy radiation death Anti-life Entry of radiated pathogen Lifeless Wintry cold, frozen fallout wasteland