
Ash and Ruin


Ash and Ruin
Our forces dressed in black
descend upon the site
dismantling the engines of ecocide
Earth Liberation every night.

Planting ceramic stakes
deep inside the trees
to save the last old growth stands
bringing companies their knees.

People linking arms
in the line of machines
human shields of protection
risking life for a belief.

Our earth is in danger
from wanton corporate destruction
take control of the situation
fight back with direct action

Before the forests become ash and ruin.

The private sector runs amok
undermining environmental laws
breaking protection rights
earth's resources in their claws.

devoid of care or thought
the general mass: a walking dead
distracted by a consumer paradise
we are willingly led.

Consume and forget
the capitalists slash and burn
life depends upon nature
when will they ever learn?

what will it finally take?
burning riots in the street?
peaceful protest has become rhetoric
violent upheaval is what we need.

ash and ruin

Corporate laws are constructed
and enforced by the state.
attenuating public voice
another S.L.A.P.P. in the face.

a corporate funded firing squad
disguised as cops and lawyers
destroying people's lives
to protect the private sector.

State and corporate complicity
a crime cartel which we allow
all life is bound to suffer
the time to act now.

ash and ruin