
Prisoners of Conscience


Prisoners of Conscience
Remember those people who live inside cages
Denied basic rights and no hope for parole.
Prisoners who gave their lives for revolution
Surrounded in silence, does anybody know?

Their family is gone, their friends are dead
Forced to concede they have no control.
They're given no respect, their dignity stripped
Does anybody know?
In moral innocence, will they die alone?
will anybody know?

They'd seen the sign of truth out there
They let the people know
of mindless terror everywhere
does anybody know?

A body bound,A body dragged
Broken skin, broken bones
Tortured inside a cement cell
Where Nobody will know.
A stolen life, a living hell
Does anybody know?

The Black Panthers, A.I.M, and MOVE
Struggling for dignity, fighting racial oppression
Black Liberation Army, FALN, and RATF
Working towards autonomy, against imperialist expansion
Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front
Fighting to stop the continued destruction of life on this planet
When a so-called democratic systems ignore the voices of conscience
Direct action is the only recourse for developing opposition.

The New York 3, The Move 9, The Panther 21, Adolpho
Matos , Alberto Rodriguez,Alejandrina Valentin, Bill
Dunne, Larry Giddings, David Gilbert, Mutulu Shakur,
Dylcia Pagan, Edwin Cortes, Alicia Rodriguez, Tom
Manning, Anthony Bottom, Bashir Hameed, Hanif Bey,
Leonard Peletier, Laura Whitehorn, Marshal Conway,
Linda Evans, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Luis Rosa, Mark Cook,
Pat Moloney, Juan Segarra Palmer, Ida Luz Rodriguez,
Jihad Abdul Mumit, Ray Luc Levasseur, Shaka
Shakur,Pavel Koupa, Eric Wildcat Hall, Ted Kaczynski,
Helen Woodson:

These people are currently serving sentences for their conscious political activities, they have sacrificed their
freedom to build a revolutionary movement in support of a free existence based on mutual aid, justice, and respect.

They're in a cage this very night
A life sentence or a death sentence.
Their spirits live while their body's bound
Does anybody know?
Everyone remember that they're still there
Everyone should know.