Welcome to the path across the the taboos land Here your needs are suffocated by a god's hand Deceit yourself, cloak your fur with a sunday cloathes Downhearted you keep sworning your latin "oaths" Have thee forgotten where have thee once came? From natures carnal cradle pride excanged to shame Your impotent redeemer is a figure of weakness My scorning voice in void shall mock his madness: Rise! Your broad axe to skies Praise! The lord of the flies Halve! Gods skull swarmed by worms Hurt! Him with sliths of thousand swords Haven't it come forth the dawn of steel and stone? Schoose your master well or die in dark alone Truthfull sons allied under twilight of the north We are the free ones under the banners of our lord Why to call Satan as a horned beast of hell? While he is a monument of mans lusty shell Belial as it's name it claimed my heart and soul Existance unlimited, undressed is cape of feeble mourn Now when flames of hell do not no longer burn There is no another cheek for you to turn So be a proud lycanthrope, as it's figure go and hunt Reclaim the pride of ancestors, despise the christian cunt! Sun of a former world sets and casts it's shadown on the new Predators and prays are baptized in times before the dew In a dark you still stumble asking who am I after all these years? Choose and set against us and meet all our dreamy fears From the ruins of past, from rock and gravel it rises up to clouds Our temple of flesh, throne of bones where echoes the mocking sounds Our brave souls gather as one to praise our bond with earth In a times like these we know we are the ones blessed with wealth Have thee forgotten where have thee once came? From natures carnal cradle pride excanged to shame Carnival is what you are so swear your oath to desire Feast with your pack on a carcass of a "divine" liar Rise! Your broad axe to skies Praise! The lord of the flies Use! Him as a tool Kill! The blindfolded fool