A slowly winding wind Carries me blindly towards the unknown With fog as thick as death I can only hope this is a dream Why does this blinding radiant light Not brighten the darkness within your eyes? Out of the mist your figure appears We walk down this shadowed path But your feet never touch the ground With hand in ghostly hand Beneath a sky not of this world Can you not see the sun your presence creates? Why does this blinding radiant light Not brighten the darkness within your eyes? As a cold feeling grips my throat I know that this moment is fleeting There must be a way Come back with me Into the flesh and blood! Is it not better to die with me Than never to live at all? But you were never there You were never there As I cry into her hollow chest again, I'm reminded of the false reality that is As I cry into her hollow chest again, I awake Is this a shell that become one with me? Or did I dig too hard against the grain? And as this room loses warmth And the light fades from my eyes, I'm haunted by your promises That everything will be all right