Ruby She was made for going West Did not protest my wandering ways Ruby She was pretty as they come 28 years young and unafraid She gave me shelter on the coldest nights Shaded me on summer days And I had never known my place before But that’s what Ruby soon became Ruby She wasn’t good at going fast And the patience that I lacked I learned to grow 'Cause Ruby had a way of breakin' down Leavin’ me out there on the road She gave me shelter on the coldest nights Shaded me on summer days So as we traveled 'cross the country wide Ruby set the pace Ruby could be fickle and unfit Good as I would get at times Ruby was the closet thing to home I’ll ever know in this life Ruby Hit that California sand And slipped right through my hands eventually Ruby I guess I knew it all the time She was never mine to keep She gave me shelter on the coldest nights Shaded me on summer days And nothin’ ever felt like home again When Ruby went away And nothin’ ever felt like home since when Ruby went away