Ira Scott Levin

Ani Ohev

Ira Scott Levin

I have worked this field, for many long years.
I know the harvest seems to be running late.
But in my mind, I know I fit in somewhere.
The time has come for me to cultivate.

Ani Ohev...I didnt know youd be here.
Otach at Kdosha- to see you and feel you.
Ani Ohev otach at K'dosha- (I love you; you are holy.) 
to see you and feel you
And then to go home alone.
Every man has his time, this might well be mine.
Prepared to take a stand, G-d knows if Ill take a wife.
But the way you understand, Ive been singing you all my life.


How it shakes, how it shakes my frame.
I close my eyes to catch the flame.
The moment is, and then it changes.
Flowing still, then rearranges,
Onto the sea, the sea of flame - the sea of flame!
