Turn around, look at me I'll tell you what's bothering me! Where's responsibility? Do we have the same ideas? The abject sense of humour That you're trying forcing through Exceed my patience and I'll might Point you own gun right at you! [Chorus] Pursuit of a rising necessity The feelings that nobody believes Errors in the ways of humanity Collision of the topics never needed The intractable attitude Shows the clear diffidence Needless talk I can't take All your so-called friends Vilification is the symbol of Your own stupidity So feel a lot more sensible When you think you're arguing with me! [Chorus] [Lead: Hansen, Schultz] Take your stupid money Go to hell, turn my back, I don't care As long as I'm alive You'll soon be aware of me Your way to behave Show a clear affinity to the scum So just insult me while you can I think you'll surely regret your mistake!