
The Unknown Emotions


The unknown emotions
The bloodhaunted fear rage aganist me
Just like poetry i cannot see
I hear it like the screams form the hell
It's just begun, i cannot tell.

I hear it scream like voises in my head
So betraiel what i just said
Hell will imbrace you like your worst fear
You will cry out every sigle tear.

Your hear the screams it's all around you
You can't beleave that this is true
You wish it all could be gone
It began too late, you couldn't run

The smell of fear, could smell like you
Like the thoughts you have thourght too
It hurts you more then anything else
Soon you will hear hells bells, hells bells

Your hear the screams it's all around you
You can't beleave that this is true
You wish it all could be gone
It began too late, you couldn't run