Nothing new passes by I know I need a guide In my mind I find only a few active ideas They are running around While the others sleep I know that I need something to wake them up ¡I need! Something that makes me drop The fucking routine To come and open my mind letting me be free Piece by piece my complexity I hate when I figure out That I'm not the one I used to be Inspiration darkest fear You became my whole desire (bis) Awake by dreams that I have Wishing to have some of them again While the anger possesses my whole desire, I see I'm more simple than that I used to think I was I always tend to pretend I'm sensible, ¡alone! Pretend to say my friends needs Are more important than mine I'm only selfish and plain I realize I only feel when the people do I only cry when I see People is loosing their hope and their faith I used to think that I was alive Now that I know the truth The only truth that I know The thing that hurts is to be a fake Imagine if all your dreams Would never come alive And you thoughtfully see You can´t do anything