Inconsisent resinstance of blasphemous existance Bleeding are the reasons, Breeding are the daemons My thoughts to blame for my actions Destroying all these so called prophecies I can see the reasons, bleeding are the seasons I can see the reasons breeding all the deamons Come forth to my desire! Lecerate the darkend skies! Lecerate the darkend skies Whileenhancing my knowledge I sigh with such desire I've conjured so much power Bleeding are the reasons, Breeding are the daemons I beckon the call of the whispers Accepting the ways I have achieved I can see the reasons, bleeding are the seasons I can see the reasons breeding all the deamons Deity of chaos! Feed greatest of godly power For it is your time to rise Spirit winds bring forth the curse For my bloodshed is for thy master Inverted I'll stand alone No tolerance for the feeble's bliss