[Pretext: Again, silence. Forsaken. Outside the window the world remains the same. A mouth - fucked race. Fear - fed parasites. You despise a fool. Still hate the self achiever, just another agent of the method of the 'True' believer. You bear the mask of guilt. Another principle of your existence. An everlasting race for grace, and you forget who you are. You are an abortion!] In god you trust Another nation takes the fix Holy fathers prophecy And their holy bag of tricks Down on your knees, and you beg for salvation Another need made up just to think without a reason You learn to love a god without doubt Idiocy checks in, and brains check out Doubt is denied! Ongoing quest for your holy land, no questions asked, You just sit at command Your shepherds, they feed on the fear of God So snared by fables, you kill your own kind... aeons later, but still you're so blind The fear is fed Your mouth open wide You're all part of the sickness The cyst just grow Is this your freedom? Just bow, just bow You are denied Mind-abortion Down on you knees Turned your hurt into a halo Doped on fear, guilt and god Who is this spook celestial fraud? Satan's to blame for all your wrongs!? And God is praised in your beloved songs!? What a hoax... as you now realize Turned away from all that was ugly You saw only the light But the dissemble line is now rolling Idiocy proved it's right Turned your sorrow into a servant Your hurt to a halo Mass exodus, driven by the Judas goat The abattoir awaits! There is no light in the end of the tunnel Only your self-inflicted pain Abandoned, aborted, denied Alone, and left to die!