My blood vessels be breakin' When I'm out at sea Cuz I can't get enough Of that vitamin C I be stealin booty From en-gle-ish ships Cuz they always be eatin Those fish and crazy chips I own 3 islands In the caribbean people be lookin' But they don't be seein... them My crew is mad sick sick with that crazy old scurvy But I don't care cuz I'm from south Jersey I got better bandanas Than Abercrombie and Fitch I've got more booty than Ben Affleck's... woman I got better bandanas Than Abercrombie and Fitch I've got more booty than Ben Affleck's... WOMAN!! I wouldn't be cryin' If my treasure was stolen The only man who cries Is Scottie Rolen And you'd need Ken Lay To do that much Takin' If you come for my treasure There's a blunderbust waitin' YAR!!