Despise the lord emperor The sign, the flesh, and the blood The faith for many years Have inspired people against the lord Show no mercy for your enemies Provoke pain and despair No sorry for the shine eye In this battle you'll kill or die By this time you don't know what you think Follow your conscience or your deepest desire But in front of the violent damaged show Your soul will choose the burning hole After the final falling, the last breath the last wish The light before powerful became dark and shady Shady as my life My conscience my innocence To kill and destroy I still intend Morality in ruins inner warfields I fall in an endless abyss Fearless I feel no remorse The humanity is in flames Sympathy and charity Replaced by envy dishonor rage Acting with human idea of convince Your conscience will explode and despair Find the inspiration to destroy Despise the memory of inner peace Bleed yourself and cut your lord You can't forget who you used to be