Arriving to the scene, corpse on a plain sight Murder, it cannot be unseen A body to be found in an obscure manner No blood on the ground, bloodletting by a master The purity, he took his time He had a vision, to perfect the crime Clearly a ritual, has to be a clue Seems sacrificial, an M. O truly new Red rum The dark ritual Red rum Body void of blood Red rum A madness perpetual A lust for sanguine lifeblood Wasn't the first, sure as hell won't be the last He'll kill again, I'll have to move fast There's no lead, he's too good A mastermind indeed, those in Hollywood A puzzle to be solved, I'll crack the case The mystery unveiled, he'll leave a trace The act was brutal, like a piece of art Resistance futile, but I can tell them apart Truly the art of murder No blood Lifeblood