Do you not remember? Rain on September 7th You were sleeping 430 miles away 6 hours away, to that city and as promised I lit a candle under the trees where we met The past or The future, those are not what's in my head I just want your pulse pressed right up to me Let me hold you tight now girl And see you smile like an angel In my arms, would you stay like this forever with me in my world? Clear the clouds away from your face Stay by my side That's all I ask The scene I paint Stays blank without your hands in mine I still do remember You slowly stopped my breath Heartbeats grew loud I can't break out of that time The usual touches And the laugh I loved fading I want to hear you just one more time in the trees Answers or The real truth, that's ahead not in my head I just want your pulse pressed right up to me Let me hold you tight now girl And see you smile like an angel In my arms, would you stay like this forever with me in my world? Clear the clouds away from your face Stay by my side That's all I ask The scene I paint Stays blank without your hands in mine Don't let the fire die This storm will pass sooner Even if the promise On the wall fades away, even if seasons flow I will sing a song of love as we go Now, let's be together Shout out: Love is everything, so loud And a faint baby's cry will break the silence, and we calm down Honest voices will echo far So we will not ever forget I swear my love to this candle Keep on burning bright in my life My shadow stands here alone now Stay by my side That's all I ask The scene I paint Stays blank without your hands in mine