
The Fright


- Groping, seeking, responses are escaping me.
Which is the way, how to do it ?
Crush the doubt to defeat te fright,
The ultimate certainty for the absolute rest.

- Such a wish, desired with such a strength !
Is it still possible ?
Doesn't he know that he's seeking what he doesn't want to ?
But why should I tell him and shatter such a dream ?

- A whole life isn't enough !
Time, damned enemy !
I have to find another way,
Break these barriers but for Christ's sake, I need help !

- Poor little man, calm down and listen to me
I can make your dream come true,
But in return I need your signature.
No ! Not with this ink but with this one !

- Ah !

- And one (more) again !
All your wishes are fulfilled now,
So tell me, are you pleased ?

- Oh, God ! What is this horror ?
Where is the mystery, Spirit of life ?

- But isn't it what you were looking for ?
''The ultimate certainty for the absolute rest'' Ah ! Ah !

- Certainty is just Fright and I'm dying of
(A life of) boredom and terror !