
The Fight


And the clock starts its way
Here is the warm matter
In this cold universe
The mineral appears
Stable but not alive and so slow
Then vegetal, alive and faster
And at least animal, alive
Warm and moving fast, oh ! so fast !
Air, earth, atmosphere
Water, fire, and life grows
Days, years, centuries,
Milleniums, times passing by...
A being rises
And starts his reign
The human is here
He is intelligent !
No fang, no fur
Tools, creativity
Humanity propers
Civilisation, thanks to the brain
But the beast's still here
Deep inside his mind
He doesn't control it
And the fight starts

Wrath and violence
Weapons of the beast
Desire and envy
Weakness of man


The fight goes on
But the beast is so strong !
The fight goes on
But man is so weak !

But the beast
Is in you
Accept it
And control it
Experience it
And tame it
Learn to free it
When you nedd to
The instinct
And the reason
Instinct's strong
What about reason ?
Which to win ?
Which to know ?


The fight goes on
But the beast is so strong !
The fight goes on
But man is so weak !
But the human brain just goes on
Progressing until it equals god
Man knows how to create humans
But manipulated, copyrighted !

The copyrighted human
Is programmed
He is logic, mechanical
No more beast !
The ultimate brain !

Has the brain
Reach its
Last stage
Is it the last step ?
Could it be ?
A simple stage
Like all the rest ?


Will human give its place up to the machine ?
Will the machine keep the human species ?

Which to win
Which to know
The instinct
The reason