
The Black Earth


The Black Earth
Lord Jezeus

ANU!! Have mercy on thy soul!!
Behold!! Three seals of Masshu!!

May the Gods be merciful unto thee!
May thou escape the jaws of the Maskim!
May the Gods grant thee death,
Before the Ancient Ones rule once more!

Enter the Gate of Arzir!!
Forbidden realm of the Igigi.
Speak with the daemons, and the
Souls of slaughtered men,
And the victims of Lammashta,
The sword that splits skulls.

The knowledge contained in the Book of Black Earth,
Destroyed the Palace of our Master.
Azag-Thoth called upon Marduk,
Lord of the double-headed axe.

The Spheres will not protect me!!
The Abyss will not protect me!!
The Mountains will not protect me!!
The Seas will not protect me!!

Enter the Gate of Ganzir!!
Realm of Death and Eternal Thirst.
Summon Ngaa, God of Heathens,
Who breathes searing flame,
And roars like a thousand thunders!!
I have found fear!!