Let there be darkness. On the sixth day He wrought man from the dirt And gave him a heart- lessness. Let there be darkness and man do his part to shape from the earth creation's true nothingness. Let there be dark In the beginning God made the end Denying Satan Annulling the abyss Light over wastelands Heaven-severed-Earth The dome & the basin Erasing all wholeness God saw it was good Because he couldn't see Blind and mindless Insane architect Scattered the seeds Ejaculated planets Failed to account for Death's immensity At the end of the fourth day The fatal word spoken Fertile behemoth Raven & vulture Teeming ocean Sky's ripe abundance Yet the word lethal serum When first human-uttered Before God rested Bequeathed his evil spawn The blessing of a cancer cell Dominion's metastasis The divine image Disease of the land Encrusting earth's diversity Genesis reversed.