You're just a body on the crowd (of empty minds) Force fed by idiotic bounds (Conforming lines) Conservative norms of regression Congratulations, you're designed (to be a fraud) Circunstances of history They lied! Welcome to the land of Slavery! Pretending to be a Design! A blurred vision of reality you live just to exist. Torn into pieces you can't put together! Worship the system, be a sheep (Forever!) Lifeless voices telling what you need How much you want?! To keep your mouth shut! Don't argue! Don't speak! Just follow me! Don't think! Don't breath! You're just a gear You're just a blind who leads (another blind) Just take your pills, enjoy the lies Circunstances of history They lied! Welcome to the land of Slavery! Pretending to be a Design! A blurred vision of reality you live just to exist. How much you want?! To keep your mouth shut!