Infested Blood

Forgotten Beliefs

Infested Blood

Virtually, the flesh is cutted
Those who remains cold
Without any more life signs
Can't show any agony of being alive
Sometimes slowly destroyed
The time waited by despair
The time the truth is revealed
Your useless faith against the reality
Like an apocalyptic beast
The demon of decapitation
Massacres the humanity
Holding up a dictator axe
Dipped in blood
Provocating inimaginable pain
Amputating and tearing members
With impious precision
Assassin fury bathed in seas of blood
Making all cowards flee
Walking through pierced corpses
Severed heads hanging in light poles
Like trophies simbolizing
That now the brutal empire is armed
To believe is not so hard any more
When a blade is carved in the forehead
And a malicious smile spitting in your filthy carcass
Making you burn in hate
Making you become the opposite
Of your old and weak beliefs