Hail the world rending dawn The universal paradise is falling Hail the man rending dawn The disgusting creation is burning An miasmic rapture by the harvest of death I inhale the flames of ravaging fire Death is calling. Extirpate the weed. Vengeance ascending. The whore of humanity bleeds. Whirlwind of purifying fanaticism Scatters the seed of the tyrannical order Enter the vortex of relentless desolation Hear the echoes of evolutionary decimation Death is calling. Extirpate the weed. Vengeance ascending. The whore of humanity bleeds to death. Deification of our violent creed. Collective painful indoctrination. Sempiternal bloodcult supremacy. The ensanguined destiny revealed. Iconoclast's apocalyptic triumph. Disinfectant outburst of malevolence. Beyond all confusion, beyond all fear, Beyond human feelings the dove of peace transfixed! Merciless infractation, malignant progression. Chaos shatters the flesh of the sheep. Extirpate the weed. The dove of peace transfixed. In miasmic rapture by the harvest of death I inhale the flames of ravaging fire. Whirlwind of purifying fanaticism Scatters the seed of the tyrannical order. Enter the vortex of relentless desolation, Bear the echoes of evolutionary decimation.