Have you ever met a poisoned mind? …As the tree hides his gloomy half in cold wormed ground, so we show the whitened part of ourselves, hiding the darkest perverse part lying in us… …but the root vile, unpure, is for the plant a source of life… Awaken from the longest sleep Illusion we call love Altered ego, a new way of vision A change started in my eyes Welcome to my darkest world Idiot, perverse, cynic! …but I don't think I'm worse than you… Walking in front of me shapes of flesh Sorry…not flesh but meat Ready for the dirtiest dinner A milk-thirst satisfied in blood And every kind of human liquids 'till nausea and disgust The flesh you wear, tender meat slow-cooked on my bed.. Carnivorous, the animal I am …dance with me… Soiling the immaculate Awaken from the longest sleep Illusion we call love Altered ego, a new way of vision A change started in my eyes The flesh you wear, tender meat slow-cooked on my bed.. Carnivorous, the animal I am