We the rulers of the earth have come forth,the mightiest of powers known to man Eminating strenght inflicting mass suicide,stifling with the caress of my hand Judgement day has come,the trial has begun,this time you will pay for your sins Sparing none with the verdict comes,a lifetime of pain There's no escaping my grasp [LEAD-Terror] Years upon years of destruction,mindless annihilation Careless devastation,putrid vile animation [LEAD-Terror] Ravenous minds driven by greed,sordid desires obliterated the earth Terrestrial sphere on the brink of extinction Inbred need to destroy,never thinking ahead Mindless advances,deathly consequences,struggling on to the end Misguided asinine headless horsemen,imprudent irrational senseless thieves Raging slaying exterminating,subversives with no right to be [LEAD-Terror] Thunderous chaos begins,earth received it's final blow Life on the brink of extinction,all fear of the incompetence of man Opening wide another gaping wound,it's life force flows from within Mutilate devastate exportation,to follow mankind into hell [LEAD-Terror] We know the end is near,If we had only seen the signs It is too late to save ourselves Will the defendant please rise and await your sentence This court finds you guilty,condemnede to a life in hell Hell on earth