
Violent & Funky


You Want Funky? We Got Funky!
Who's Got Funky? We Got Funky! You Said Funky
Violent & Funky!
Violent & Funky (4x)

Sticks and Stones May Break Some Bones But a .357
Gonna Blow Your Damn Head Off
You Take the Pen and I'll Take the Sword, You Can Write
Some Shit Till I Cut Your Fuckin' Head Off

You Want Funky? We Got Funky! What Kind of Funky?
Violent Funky!
Violent & Funky (4x)

Do Unto Others As You Would Do Unto Yourself
'course For Me Thats Damn Easy 'cause I Hate Myself
A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned, But a Stolen Case Of
Beer Gets You a Hell of a Lot Drunker
Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy Wealthy
And Boring
It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings and the Big Bitch Is
Choking On a Chunk of Salami


You Know It's Snapped Lika Mutha, You Know We're 
Snappin' Lika Mutha


You Know We're Snappin' Lika Mutha