Punishment Coming up the stairs, force my way in, wait til she turns, take out my axe. I strike her head, she is now dead. Someone arrives, must take two lives. It's eating me inside, I've never felt this way. The vision's in my mind, I cannot get away. All I know is I am no criminal. All I fear is a time of punishment. All knowing, my rationale for killing two innocents. Hiding evidence, sleep through the day, covered in blood, no going back. Visitors call, just make them wait, cannot get up, not in this state. It's eating me inside, my conscience is enslaved. It dominates my mind, I cannot now be saved. Betray me, expose me, release me, unearth me. All I know is I am my accuser. All I crave is my time of punishment. Betray me, expose me, release me, unearth me.