


How irritable can be people
Silly seemed to me their speeches
The more meeting in these minutes
The more you fill with malice
( than becomes nervous break off)

I damn all everywhere , ready to breakloose on to anyone
Dirty beggar or rich stout
Don't get under my hand , for god's sake
( time to time) I'm  nervous man 

I'm nervous , i'm tired of you
Get out of my head , primitive race
Don't say , don't ask , don't blame me now
I'm sick of it all

All nervous cells are almost dead, in my boby
That's why i often  can loose my temper
And don't  forget , sons of  bitches,
I live only for myself !

Streams of irritables can be extinguished,
When you know how to relax,
In a silence , alone, in soul's depth,
Bury the malice for a while…